Neang Aun is a farmer living in the village commune ripped Okvau Samrong district, Takeo province. He has planted cabbage well that his experience by reading magazines farmers, coupled with his own creativity.
1. Prepare and nursery: He prepares the land platinum and fostering pongreabdei flat already 8 wide water along the length of 3 meters and 1 drink. Then take the bull grandfather decay fine about 2 gallons hang upon equal and fostering equal mix thoroughly taken good. Cabbage is to soak water 1 1 night and then fermented to rapidly growing sprouts. After soaking fermented and sparse on the nursery. Then he took the straw ashes sprinkled over the ants to protect and enrich the crops and from palm covered to prevent extreme heat or rain.
2. Prepare the soil, growers and growers: land for planting cabbage he had plowed flat and remove weeds. Then, with a width of 8 water and 1 water along the height depending on the size. Cut hole in two rows alternately with each pit is about 2 square water and distance from the pit to a 6 water. In each pit, he put cow manure mixed with rotten garbage, leaves and fine deidambauk pit (1 part cow manure deidambauk 2). Then fostering soil and fertilizer more efficiently. Before removing the cabbage plant is watered wet and windy first easy to avoid prying apart the roots. Was exhumed crop in the ground to avoid impaired at the time of planting. After planting and bangheabdei talents (not to be buried too shallow or too deep), then watering wet.
3. Maintenance: After planting, and he took STT or plants covered sun protection to avoid impaired. He watered 3 times in 1 day (morning, afternoon and evening cold). After planting period of 15- 20 days, he began to dig 1st leg and dust standard compost in between. 20 days later, he began to make the 2nd leg with extra fertilizer (deidambauk mixed with cow dung and garbage) intervals. To boost growth, he used standard compost more water on crops. And how to combine ingredients to compost their standard shown below:
- Ingredients: tontreankhet 3 kg, 2 kg of cow manure 20 liters of water.
- How to do: Take these two ingredients to mix scrambled transmitted today and put them in jars soak 1 week.
- How to use: Mix 1 liter water 5-6 liters. To water the crop in the cold evening, but not to touch the leaves. Watered once a week. When the broccoli to capture so much water that it needs to be watered enough. Cabbages crop variety worm yoltong come, but he did not use poison, but he used the manual method when worm Starting destroyed because it is most effective.
4. Harvest: When cabbage age 3 and a half months, he began to harvest. On the area of about 80 square feet (8 meters width along 10 meters), he might grow 8 400 kg. He cabbage sold for 1,500 riels per 1 kg. In total, he can earn about 50 thousand riel (the rest of the family eat).
5. Interested: After planting cabbage 2 times he sees cabbage crops can grow in our district without toxic drugs and chemicals, and can get high standoff our neighbors. He suggests that farmers across the country to try to plant cabbage everyone to reduce imports from outside.
Finally, he felt some entrust to farmers who want to test him a few points:
- Where growers have a good ground srasatuk have adequate ventilation and light.
- Prepare the nursery children well and sparse crop fleshy healthy.
- Never leave children cabbages too old for older children make small cabbage.
- Avoid water murky (can use clean water ponding) and using extra water break attempt to boost growth special standard compost.